Working together to be a caring, creative learning environment, enabling all to be excellent.
We believe that building a safe nurturing environment, where all of our learning community can flourish, involves a child-centred approach to education. We provide an inspiring, challenging curriculum, based on creative learning and rich first-hand experiences both inside and outside the classroom that sparks enquiring minds and develops resourcefulness. Our inclusive approach promotes community values, builds resilience and consideration for those around us and enables all of our learners to reach their full potential.
Respect - we are inclusive to all within our community and understanding of different beliefs, values and faiths.
Resilience – we maintain our positive attitude when facing challenges.
Innovation – we find better solutions by using our imagination and creativity.
Empathy – we show understanding for other people’s feelings and views.
Integrity – we are always honest and remain true to our principles.
Our curriculum is designed to be skills based and knowledge rich, providing a variety of engaging, ambitious and diverse learning opportunities to meet the needs of all individuals. Plans are sequenced so that pupils build on what they have learned before. They will benefit from a range of first hand learning experiences, both indoors and out. Our local community and environment play an important role in our curriculum.
As a result, pupils will be creative, critical thinkers who demonstrate a positive attitude towards their learning. Showing independence and resilience, they will become caring and effective communicators, collaborators and leaders who are able to interact successfully and respectfully with everyone. By the end of each year we aim to ensure that all pupils are ready for the next stage of their education and development.
We use the following to drive our planning of the curriculum and the way we teach lessons: