Thank you for the invaluable support you give to your child with their learning at home. We hope you find some useful ideas and resources on this page to help you.
Each week, we set two Learning Log tasks linked to the learning done in school. Children can choose which of the two tasks they would like to complete. From the Spring term, we will also send home Year 1 spellings (Common Exception Words) each week for the children to practise in a fun and practical way. Until the correct spelling has been taught and learned, children are encouraged to use their phonics to help them spell out words.
We would appreciate it if children could read regularly at home with an adult. Children should be able to talk about the story when reading and show that they understand what they are reading. Below you will find example questions you could use to help discuss the book with your child.
If you would like further ways to help your child at home, please refer to the Year 1 Meet the Teacher Presentation here.