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‘Together Taking Learning Above and Beyond’


At FCVS, assessment is used as a tool to improve learning.


We use five simple key factors for effective assessment

  • The provision of effective feedback to pupils
  • The active involvement of pupils in their own learning
  • Adjusting teaching to take account of the results of assessment
  • Recognition of the profound influence assessment has on the motivation and self-esteem of pupils, both of which are crucial influences on learning
  • The need for pupils to be able to assess themselves and understand how to improve.


FCVS assessment practices


Early Years Assessment

In the Early Years we continually assess children to find out how well they are learning. We assess the children on entry and then half termly. Children are assessed on the seven areas of learning and development which include the three prime areas of Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development as well as the four specific areas of Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. The assessments are made through observing and working with the children through play activities. We monitor their rates of progress and share them with you at parent consultation evenings and in the end of term report.


Key Stage One and Two Assessment

  • Staff use a combination of ongoing formative and summative assessment methods which are dependent on the age and ability of the child and the subject being assessed. These vary from observation to questions and answers using whiteboards within a lesson to end of unit assessments to the use of formal tests. The range of assessment methods inform planning and inform feedback given to pupils and parents. Outcomes of formal summative assessments are recorded on INSIGHT, as are teacher judgements based on formative and summative assessments. This is done termly.


Pupil progress meetings

  • The information gathered from assessment methods is used to identify how well teaching is meeting the needs of the learners and to identify any groups of children that are at risk of falling behind. Intervention groups are then put in place to ensure that pupils swiftly catch up. 



  • School leaders will review the progress of groups termly. This information will be presented to Governors termly. It will help to inform the schools judgement on the quality of teaching, learning and pupil outcomes. Pupil progress is measured both from baseline and within year.
  • There will also be termly book scrutinies to ensure progress data matches the progress made in books.



  • Moderation will be carried out to check the evidence base available both internally and with other settings.
  • In KS2 formative assessment is matched with summative assessment to ensure robust and reliable data. Summative assessment is gathered from NFER optional tests for years 3,4 and 5 and previous SATs papers for year 6.



  • Progress of all groups and cohorts are reviewed and summative data is analysed to identify how effective the school is at meeting the needs of all learners. Any areas of development are identified and inform the School Development Plan.


Keeping Parents Informed

We hold regular communications with Parents to keep them up to date with how their child is doing at school. There is a monthly newsletter as well as curriculum maps each half term and staff will also send ‘good news’ postcards to celebrate success. More informal communication with teachers can happen daily as teachers will be available on the gate for discussions.


Consultation Evenings

These are held in the middle of the first term and then in the middle of the second term and will include details of how your child has settled into the new class, performance and target setting for the years, specific discussions regarding curriculum areas, general pastoral and behaviour.

This is a great opportunity to communicate with your child’s class teacher about your child’s progress as well as their pastoral development.



Parents receive a target setting report at each at the Spring term parent consultation,  as well as an end of year report.


One to one meetings

In addition to the timetables consultation evenings, one to one discussions can be held with staff members at any time. To arrange a meeting please refer to the communication page.
