This term, our Create topic is ‘Wild Adventures!’ and our curriculum focus is Art, Design & Technology, Music and Drama. Our big question is ‘How can I be a good friend?’ and our key concept is ‘Friendship’. We will build our teamwork skills by working on lots of exciting, collaborative projects. In Science, we will be learning all about Animals, including Humans.
This term, our Explore topic is ‘Into the Woods!’, which is Geography based. Our big question is ‘Why are trees such a big deal?’ and our key concept is ‘Responsibility’. We will explore different climate zones around the world, focusing on the polar regions and areas around The Equator. In Science, we will be learning all about Plants. In DT we will be making a rainforest animal puppet and using animals as a base theme for our dance unit in PE.
This term, our Discover topic is ‘Party Time!’, which is History based. Our big question is ‘What toys and games did children play with in the past?’ and our key concept is ‘Change and Tradition’. We are comparing how parties were celebrated in the past, in particular in the 1940s. In Science, we will be learning all about Materials.
Click here to view the Year 1 Scheme of Learning for Mathematics to see what is covered throughout the year.